The 28th Annual Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo
Your Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo Corporation Board of Directors would like to announce the 28th Annual Rodeo on May 30 & 31, 2025 in Murfreesboro, TN.
TVLR staff routinely takes photos at the Rodeo. Your registration serves as your endorsement of understanding. Photos are property of whomever takes them and may be used at their discretion.
Alcohol and drug use will not be permitted at any official rodeo function or on the competition field at any time. Violators will be asked to leave. Competitors may be disqualified.
All competitive events will be announced with event rules posted on this website. It is suggested participants bring and use their own tools for all events. Please read each event description for any specialty tools required or provided.
Have a question about an event? Contact the chief judge of the particular event and all questions and answers will be posted on the rodeo website for review.
Click here for a full list of rodeo events
Entry forms are now online! Apprentice and Individual Journeyman fees are $200. Journeyman Team fees are $400. There is no cost for the Senior event. Registration fees includes a link to the official Rodeo video for each company who registers.
Cancellation Fee: Notice of cancellation is required in writing. Cancellations made prior to the entry deadline (April 25) will not be charged for those entry fees. Cancellations made between April 25th and May 9th will be charged 50% of their entry fees. Cancellations made after May 9th (cancellation deadline) will forfeit entry fees in full.
**Eligibility to compete in the Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo is limited to employees of electric utilities that are:
1. Members (regular or affiliate) of TVPPA or Tennessee Job Training & Safety or TVA Employee AND
2. Within the seven states that make up TVA’s service area: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia
**Affiliate members of either organization prior to January 2019 are grandfathered in and may continue to participate.
Vendors & Sponsors
New sponsorship levels are now available. Online registration is now open! Registered vendors will be given display space on the rodeo grounds, company name listed in the rodeo program and more. Please see the registration forms for more information on each level.