Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo

Team Events:

**For all team events: The first climber must stop and be in position before the second climber can climb.**



Hurtman Rescue 

 1. Are you allowed to put your belt around the pole while the cutout is still closed as long as you don’t put a hook in the pole?

No, you cannot touch the pole until it is open. This is listed on number 6 in the event description. There will be a 2-point deduction for touching the pole before the cutout is open.


Mystery Event

1. Question



Storm Restoration

1. Can you use any size hot stick for the grounding?

All hot sticks must be 8 feet. Other sticks must be used within the manufacturer’s specs.

2. Can you throw the wire down to the ground with a “headache” if extra sticking is out of the new shoe?

 No, you can not. You must go by the General Rules. You have to use at least an 8 foot clamp stick.


Relay Challenge

1. What are the framing specs for the poles?

Crossarm will be framed in 9 inch hole and the neutral will be 6 foot from center of the arm. See photos.

 2. When you cover the primary, do you have to put a split blanket under the insulator before you tie and untie?

Yes. Please refer to General Rules.

3. Is floating the neutral and then sliding your primary belt over the clevis allowed?

No. The neutral is not allowed to be floated.

Apprentice Events:

Hurtman Rescue 

1. Question



Pole Top Insulator Change Out

1. Question



Crossarm/Cutout Relocation

1. Question



Fused Cutout Relocation

1. Question



Written Test

1. Question



Individual Journeyman:

Hurtman Rescue

1. Question



Crossarm/Cutout Relocation

1. Question



Single Phase Recloser Bypass

1. Question



Arrestor Change Out

1. During the prep time, can I make up the new arrestors with wire and attach hot line clamps?

Yes, you can make up arrestors in prep time.

2. When covering up the neutral and spool, is a split blank enough cover?

A host and blanket will be needed for proper cover up.

3. Is the copper on the top and bottom of the lightning arresters #4 or #6 copper?

Top of the arresters will be #6 and the bottom will be #4.

4. Can our material bag be hung on the arrester bracket after stingers are removed?

It can be hung by a meat hook or sling, once stingers are removed.


Senior events:

Hurtman Rescue

1. Question


Fused Cutout Relocation

1. Question



Tie Event

1. Question




Tennessee Valley Lineman Rodeo